
How To Destress and Treat Yourself

International Stress Awareness Week

This week is International Stress Awareness Week. Stress can have a huge impact on our daily lives so it’s important that we know how to recognise when we are stressed and what we can do to relax.

If you feel yourself becoming tense or stressed, then it might be time for you to take some time for yourself and forget about the world for a while. So here are our tips on how to destress and treat yourself.

International Stress Awareness Week

Treat Yourself To A Tasty Snack

Sometimes it can be nice to treat yourself to your favourite snack. A sweet treat every now and then might be just what you need to help give you that rush of dopamine and help you feel calm and relaxed.

Sweet treats and snacks like The Jelly Bean Factory gourmet jelly beans can help make you feel a burst of happiness and can be especially helpful if you need a little something to help you get to the end of the workday.

That’s why we recommend always keeping a little surgery pick me up at your desk at work. You can choose whichever snack is your favourite, but out grab and go bags of gourmet jelly beans make the perfect size for a hidden desk snack.


Have A Relaxing Bath

sometimes you just need to relax and unwind. If you have been rushing around all day or the colder, longer days have got you down, a nice warm bath can be the perfect thing to ease your aching bones.

Run a bath and make sure it’s the perfect temperature for you to have a long soak. You can go a step further and fill the bath with nice soothing, relaxing bubbles or even a bath bomb.

A relaxing bath

Watch Your Favourite Feel Good Film

There’s nothing better than cosying up on the sofa with some warm blankets, some good friends and watching your favourite feel-good movie.

Make sure you have everything you need for the perfect film night before you start. Blankets and hot drinks are always a good idea if you want to feel super cosy and relaxed, or maybe even a nice glass of wine or fun fruity cocktail is the perfect drink to help you unwind on an evening.

And of course, you mustn’t forget the all-important movie-watching snacks!

If you are looking for the perfect snacks to share with friends for your film night, The Jelly Bean Factory jelly beans are just perfect.

We have 36 huge flavours so there is absolutely something for everyone! And our jars of jelly beans come in some amazing monster sizes like 700g, 1.3kg and a whopping 4.2kg so there won’t be any fighting over the best flavours!


Get The Blood Pumping

Exercise is a great way to destress and feel good doing it. When we exercise our bodies releases something called endorphins. Endorphins, like dopamine, are happy hormones that the body releases when it wants to reward us.

Because exercise is good for you, your body is rewarding you by filling you with this happy fuzzy rush of endorphins that should have you feeling happy and relaxed for the rest of the day.

A person running

Let The Creative Juices Flow

For some people, the best way to dress is to just let their creativity run wild and do something like drawing or painting.

If you need to relax and unwind then you might benefit from breaking out the colouring pencils and drawing a picture or doing a page in a colouring book.

If you are stuck for inspiration, then you can try drawing one of our jars of jelly beans that are absolutely bursting with bright colourful beans! just make sure you have enough pencils to colour in all 36 different colours of our amazing vibrant beans.


Contact Us!

Can’t wait to get your hands on some of our delicious huge flavours? Then visit our shop for all your jelly bean needs!

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Check out out our FAQ for more. You can also follow us on Social media or Contact us. If you have a question, a comment or just fancy a chat about jelly beans, we’ll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.


